Selecting the perfect addressable LED tape for your project involves considering various factors to ensure that the tape meets your needs in terms of functionality, aesthetics, and performance. Here are the key aspects to consider: Voltage Choose between common voltages like 5V, 12V, or 24V. Lowe...Read more -
DMX LED Tape Compare with SPI LED Tape
When deciding between DMX512 and SPI addressable LED Tapes for your project, understanding the nuances of each protocol is essential. Both offer unique advantages, but their differences could significantly impact the execution and performance of your lighting designs. DMX512 is revered for its ro...Read more -
NeoPixel rings
This adorable wall clock from [Alf Muller] uses two NeoPixel rings to mark the time by illuminating the 3D printed rings. The minutes are shown in blue, and the grid inside the ring makes them more discrete. Green shows the time. [Alf] provides code to change the co...Read more -
APA10 HD107S
APA102 and HD107S are two of the most popular pixel LED options on the market today. Both are similar in terms of their capabilities and features, but there are some key differences that make them better suited for different applications. APA102 (also known as the DotStar) is a well-established b...Read more -
NS107S HD107S LC8823 APA107 LEDs
APA107-5050 RGB LEDs is the newest addressable LED chip on 2018 years, PWM refresh rate can be 9khz, Oscillator frequency can be 30Mhz, can replace APA102 LEDs directly, and APA102/APA107 use same PCB to produce LED strip. But APA102-5050 RGB LEDs is 20Khz, so APA107 LEDs is one economic addres...Read more -
Dotstar/Neopixel Digital LEDs Comparison
Comparison LED Strips: WS2812B, SK6812, APA102, NS107S All LEDs are SMD5050 to compare (they also have 3535/2020/1515 size). There are RGB and RGBW variants for some of them (W of RGBW is used for an additional white LED 3000k/4000k/6000k CCT). These LEDs fall into two categories: WS2812B, SK681...Read more -
The different of each Pixel LEDs
LEDs come in lots of different shapes and sizes. For Analog LEDs, where the whole strip becomes a single color, choice is mostly about the size, wattage and density of the strip. For Pixel LEDs it’s also important to make sure you get the correct chip inside of the LED strip so that you can als...Read more -
The differences of WS2812B and WS2813
Below is WS2812B and WS2813 LED strip picture, (In the market, some factory produced same with ws2812b, named sk6812, APA105,APA104, LC8812...etc) The WS2812B RGB pixel LEDs is no doubt an immensely popular product and a beloved mainstay of every maker’s outdoor lighti...Read more -
We Hida has nearly 9 years experiences in pixel LED Chip R&D HD107S is our latest high transmission speed LED chips. The PWM frequency is up to 27kHz,it is the fastest integrated LED on the market. HD107S ...Read more -
LED Strip Voltage drop Charts
LED Strip Voltage drop ChartsRead more -
HD107S Pixel LEDs Protocol Overview
Pixel Protocol Overview: HD107S This pixel protocol was designed by Hida Optoelectronics in China, who use the 107S chip by Newstar LED. Very similar to the APA range, HD107S boasts everything APA102 brings, with a higher PWM rate and brighter LEDs. The control circuit and LEDs are inte...Read more -
8bit or 16-bit pixel LED strip?
What is 8bit and 16bit, in the context of LED strip lights and dimming? When LED strip lights are controlled using a LED receiver (such as as DMX receiver), they are programmed to dim from maximum to minimum levels of brightness/colour/etc in 255 steps. This the standard for what is called 8bit c...Read more